
Sunday 27 April 2014

Stravinsky and a koala bear

Was the modernist Stravinsky just a big softie really?

One of my favourite photos on the tumblr Composers doing normal shit (excuse my French).

Beethoven, Britten and Brahms

Over on, I've been doing some reviewing. Beethoven from the Elias Quartet, Britten's Paul Bunyan from English Touring Opera and Schumanns – Robert and Clara – and Brahms from Imogen Cooper.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Kalinnikov's First Symphony

Kalinnikov's First Symphony. Some good tunes for Sunday evening. Also for driving back to Bristol from Cardiff on Friday evening - I nipped over to Wales to hear John Metcalf's new opera Under Milk Wood.
And here's a short video introduction to it from the London Philharmonic Orchestra.