
Saturday 9 May 2009

Run Bristol

Tomorrow is 10k day. Suddenly this sounds like a Very Long Way. Yes, the two friends who I'm running with and I have run the full distance before but that was when no one was watching. When we didn't have 'Champion Chips' clamped to our trainers to time to the second, nay the millisecond, how long the torture lasts, rather than estimating - generously - from an unreliable clock. When we didn't have to be ready and raring to go at 8.30am (OK - I'm stretching the truth here. The race doesn't start until 9.30, but runners are meant to be hanging round doing impossible stretches from this ungodly hour) and when we weren't branded with race numbers, like cattle going to slaughter. 10k. 10k? 10k! 10k... However you say it, from the start that finish line looks far away.

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