
Wednesday 24 June 2020


Before I write about illness, I want to say something about kindness. I wouldn't have got through the last few months of Covid in lockdown without it, and it's still remarkable to me how kind people have been. I feel lucky. Neighbours who I didn't know before who have done my shopping, picked up prescriptions, taken me to the doctor, checked how I was doing. The friend who brought me soup and left it on my doorstep every day, who for weeks brought me meals to reheat because I couldn't stand up for long enough to cook. Friends who came and stood outside the window to talk through the glass when I was twice in isolation. Who have come to visit with gifts from their gardens. Who have sent cards, flowers and food. Who have simply showed up and smiled. My family, who have been there whenever I needed, with support of all sorts. The paramedics and GP who put themselves at risk of infection and came into my home to assess me. The doctor who literally went out of his way to get the right antibiotic, the neighbour who lent  me a new thermometer, the physios running free post-covid recovery online classes. Thank you. I'll have forgotten too many specifics – ah, short term memory loss is one fun feature of this virus – but not the incredible power of human kindness. That'll stick.


tb said...

I feel a little funny commenting, since I started following your blog once long ago, when I was impressed by your insights on the BBC Music Magazine podcast... So I don't know you at all, but I was sorry to hear you'd ended up with the coronavirus, and sad to hear how hard it was on you. Thank goodness for community. It's a small silver lining, seeing how folks come together in hard times. Wishing you best possible health and a smooth continued recovery from Seattle.

Rebecca said...

Thank you for your kind message. I've only just clocked it, but I'm glad that I have. I'm sorry for the slow reply! It's lovely to hear from a listener and reader, and I really appreciate your good wishes. I'm recovering well now, and back writing as a freelancer. I hope you've fared well during the pandemic, and sending all my best wishes to Seattle.