
Wednesday 17 January 2007

Bonne Annee!

So a slight hiatus in blogging over Christmas and New Year ... but normal service should now resume. Firstly Bonne Annee to everyone, hope all those resolutions are going well (!) My New Year was lovely, even if weighing sheep, attempting to weigh cows but said cows escaping, followed by eating spaghetti bolognese (probably made from a friend of said cows), and then playing monopoly before creating the strangest list of resolutions ever (including "becoming Lady Franks" and "being a watch" was not what I had expected! (And if you've got to the end of that sentence and understood it, congratulations!) Oh dear, have managed to upload the monopoly picture upside down, but actually I quite like it so it can stay. Call it art.

Anyway, Happy 2007 to everyone and watch this space.

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