
Monday 19 February 2007

Once upon a time:

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (I think this strange and mysterious land was called France) there stood a very big, rather imposing house:

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And in this rather large mansion there lived two brothers,

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whose names were Auguste and Louis Lumière. Now, these two brothers were not your average men with moustaches. No, indeed. For the brothers Lumière helped to invent moving pictures. "Moving Pictures?" I hear you cry, "What do you mean?". I mean, The Cinema. And in 1895 this enterprising pair presented the first commercial film-La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon- in the Grand Cafe, Paris. Clever, eh? And they lived right here in Lyon:

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But perhaps this is not quite the perfect fairy tale. One day, the brothers decided that "the cinema is an invention without any future" and sold their cameras. And that is why, children, you've probably never heard of the the brothers Lumière.

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