
Friday 15 June 2007

If you can't beat'em, join'em.

A while ago I posted a link to Tommy Hewitt Jones's latest YouTube organ stunt, promising to follow up the post with a few more choice details about his crazy musical antics. One pet project that's been in the pipelines for a while goes by the name of 'On the Facebook' (ofen referred to as the Facebook Song), a song currently sitting at no. 10 in the iTunes pop album chart, and at no. 55 in the iTunes pop singles chart. Not bad for a morsel created over a year ago by two Cambridge muso students filling time between (or, how shocking, maybe even during) lectures and supervisions. A light-hearted poke at the social-networking site that has swept through universities in the West, the song is short and sweet and the video runs rampage around Cambridge, featuring famous landmarks and students not quite managing to lip-synch. Already, tenth place on iTunes is pretty impressive, but only complete domination will do, and Tommy HJ and Pete Foggitt (co-creator) are egging people on to download themselves a copy of this boppy little number so that (and I quote Tommy) it can become "the SILLIEST NUMBER ONE EVER". And let's be honest, it wouldn't be a number one for any other reason (apart from maybe manipulation/management of online resources). Sitting here in my room in France, silliness suddenly seems like a peculiarly English quality. Monty Python; Green Wing; jelly: all united by the English tendency to take delight in doing silly things, saying silly words and eating silly food. Previously a facebook-song sceptic, this new advertising twist has done the trick for me and I've forked out my 79p in aid of the promotion of general silliness. Why not do the same?

A direct link to the iTunes store can be found here.

You can watch the highly amusing Anglia TV feature on the song here.

Join our Facebook Song group here.

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